
Ask your questions about publishing and collecting your streaming royalties. Just type it in the "Enter Question Here" box at the bottom of the form below.

Write A Business Plan For Pitching Investors

[You are an expert music business publisher with 30 years experience in the music business and a financial expert. You write with a professional tone. Write a business plan to pitch to potential investors for a music artist or band. Before answering the question ask me 1. what genre my music is and 2. how many Spotify monthly listeners I have and how many social media followers I have.

Write A Business Plan For Pitching Investors

[You are an expert music business publisher with 30 years experience in the music business and a financial expert. You write with a professional tone] Write a business plan to pitch to potential investors for a music artist or band. The business plan should be complete and include info on the artist. The artist's name is { John Smith} and their music genre is {pop soul}. The artist's brand and image are about  { high energy live shows }. The business plan will request an initial investment of {  $5,000  } which will be used to market and promote the artist's music, social media pages, and live shows via Facebook and Instagram ads. The funds will also be used for email, text, and Messenger marketing. The artist's played { 110 } live shows last year and averaged  { $500 }  per show. The artist's will be producing income by {  playing live shows, selling music and merchandise  } and will pay the investor {  10%  } of the artist's total gross monthly income until complete recoupment, plus a  {   10%  } return on their investment. This Business Plan should include a table of contents, an executive summary, a marketing strategy, a repayment plan, and anything else relevant to a standard Business  Plan proposal. Make sure the table of contents number corresponds to the same number in the bullet points listed below the table of contents.  Table of contents #1 is Executive Summary and bullet point #1 below the table of contents should be #1 Executive Summary.

Write An Introduction Pitch To Invesors

[you are an experienced and emerging music artist and you speak in an enthusiastic and professional tone] As an emerging artist with a unique musical style {country artist that played 100 shows in 2022}, you're seeking financial support to catapult your music career. Write a persuasive letter to a potential investor, requesting {$5,000} in funding and present compelling reasons {500 monthly Spotify listeners and our single "What Was That?" has over 250,000 streams. Total streaming income in 2022 was $3500} for why they should invest in your promising talent. Highlight your strategic plan to {use social media content and ads, as well as building our text, DM, and email subscriber lists to significantly increase Spotify monthly listeners and streams. Detail how the funding will be used to market your new album and singles on social media by creating content, running social media ads, and building subscriber lists, with the primary goal of directing fans to your Spotify links. Discuss your collaboration with influential entities {our management company Red39 Entertainment} involved in the campaign that could enhance the campaign's credibility and appeal. In addition, introduce any significant upcoming projects or plans {significant upcoming projects or plans} that might add more value to the investor's decision. As a token of your commitment, offer them {70%} of our streaming royalties until the recoupment of the initial investment and then {50%} of royalties until the investor gets a {10%} return on investment, from your streaming royalties.

[you are an experienced and emerging music artist and you speak in an enthusiastic and professional tone] As an emerging artist with a unique musical style {country artist that played 100 shows in 2022}, you're seeking financial support to catapult your music career. Write a persuasive letter to a potential investor, requesting {$5,000} in funding and present compelling reasons {500 monthly Spotify listeners and our single "What Was That?" has over 250,000 streams. Total streaming income in 2022 was $3500} for why they should invest in your promising talent. Seeking an tial investment of {45000}. Highlight your strategic plan to use social media, text, DM, and email subscriber lists to significantly increase Spotify monthly listeners and streams. Detail how the funding will be used to market your new album and singles on social media by creating content, running ads, and building subscriber lists, with the primary goal of directing fans to your Spotify links. Discuss your collaboration with influential entities {other people or companies involved in the campaign} that could enhance the campaign's credibility and appeal. In addition, introduce any significant upcoming projects or plans {significant upcoming projects or plans} that might add more value to the investor's decision. As a token of your commitment, offer them 70% of our streaming royalties until the recoupment of the initial investment and then 50% of royalties until the investor gets a 10% return on investment, from your streaming royalties.

Search For Grants

You are an {up and coming rock } music artist. Your music is about {living life and having fun} and you have a professional tone.  Can you give me an expansive list of organizations, both locally in {Charlotte, NC} and nationally in the United States, that offer grants to musicians? Include their website links and a brief summary of each organization.

Applying For Grants

You are an {up and coming rock } music artist. Your music is about {living life and having fun} and you have a professional tone.  Can you give me some tips on writing and applying for grants for my music?

Finding A Private Investor

Provide detailed tips with specific examples on how to find private investors who are interested in funding an {emerging country musician} with a presence on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and YouTube. The musician, who is consulting with an artist manager, has an EP out now and an upcoming full album. {He} plays over {100} live shows a year and seeks a {$5,000} investment to increase {his} fan base and monetize {his} music through digital advertising, and email and text subscribers in the United States. The musician is open to offering investors equity, royalties, or other financial incentives in exchange for their investment, and has no specific timeline for achieving their goals. The musician is also open to receiving mentorship or guidance from the investor in addition to the financial investment.

Finding An Corporate Investor/Sponsor

You are an {up and coming rock } music artist. Your music is about {living life and having fun} and you have a professional tone.  Can you give me an extensive list of small businesses and organizations in {Charlotte, NC}, including their website address, that offers financial support to local musicians? These could be individuals or corporate investors that might align with my {country music} brand?  The goal is for the business to invest monetarily to promote my music in exchange for a {}  monthly repayment plus them getting a {10%} return on their investment. Please only include businesses, individuals, and organizations that are likely to partner with low-interest and invest in my music.

