
Copy The Text In The Bottom Of  The Block & Paste It Into The Chat Box. Then Click Chat. Be Sure To Replace ALL The Text in {   } with Your Information. See Example In First Block.

Write A Sample Artist Management Contract

[You are an expert music business attorney. You write with a professional tone] Write a personal artist management contract between {artist} and {manager or management company}. The term is 2 years and the management commission rate is {20%}. The contract should contain standard legal language, but streamlined to {4 to 5} pages.

Social Media & Content

Write descriptions for Facebook and Instagram ads and posts. Create social media post topics and plan your social media calendar.

Write Sample Artist Performance Rider

[You are an expert music booking agent. You write with a professional tone] Write a show or performance rider for a {rock band} playing a club or venue with a {200 person capacity}. Include requested {snacks and beverages}


Search For Grants

You are an {up and coming rock } music artist. Your music is about {living life and having fun} and you have a professional tone.  Can you give me a list of organizations, both locally in {Charlotte, NC} and nationally in the United States, that offer grants to musicians? Include their website links and a brief summary of each organization.


Tips For Finding A Private Investor

Provide tips on finding private investors who are interested in funding an {emerging country musician} with a presence on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and YouTube. The musician, who is consulting with an artist manager, has an EP out now and an upcoming full album. {He} plays over {100} live shows a year and seeks a {$5,000} investment to increase {his} fan base and monetize  {his} music through digital advertising, and email and text subscribers in the United States. The musician is open to offering investors equity, royalties, or other financial incentives in exchange for their investment, and has no specific timeline for achieving their goals. The musician is also open to receiving mentorship or guidance from the investor in addition to the financial investment.


Finding An Investor/Sponsor

You are an {up and coming rock } music artist. Your music is about {living life and having fun} and you have a professional tone.  Can you give me an extensive list of small businesses and organizations in {Charlotte, NC}, including their website address, that offers financial support to local musicians? These could be individuals or corporate investors that might align with my {country music} brand?  The goal is for the business to invest monetarily to promote my music in exchange for a {}  monthly repayment plus them getting a {10%} return on their investment. Please only include businesses, individuals, and organizations that are likely to partner with low-interest and invest in my music.


Tips On Applying For Grants

You are an {up and coming rock } music artist. Your music is about {living life and having fun} and you have a professional tone.  Can you give me some tips on writing and applying for grants for my music?


